Don’t buy DLC, buy GOTY or nothing

3 minute read

This is a message for video games companies, “don’t expect me buying any DLC”, I am not a big fan of the hype of new releases, generally in all circumstances, but in video games world we know that companies release games with a very adjusted devel...Read More

Fallout 4: The problems to overcome and what should we expect

5 minute read

[Updated on 2015-07-23]The last E3 Fallout 4 was announced and with the demo videos won back all the Fallout fan base and emerged as 2015’s E3 winner. All the conferences gave us enough material to speculate and even write the first Fallout 4 pre-...Read More

Adsense explained for everyone: understand your revenue statistics

4 minute read

It all started with the question: How can I increase my RPM in Adsense?, I saw that I did not understand what many of the terms are so I have been doing some research on the meaning of the Adsense reports. When we enter at our Adsense page, assumi...Read More