My blog got disabled. How you should restore it
For almost a week this blog was disabled (on Blogger), maybe you did not notice if it’s your first time here, but the Google robots marked it as a spam blog and then no one could access the blog, it was deleted on my blogger account and could not restore it. The only thing that I was able to do was to request a revision by a “human”, as the process is automatized it has a probability of error, even it may be low. I did the request which, as stated by the request form information, should be done in a couple of working days. But as you may guess, this did not happen, as the days passed I thought that I should take some action, and of course googled my problem which I found to be quite recurrent.
If your blog also has been disabled for being marked as a spam blog, you should have received an email with:
Hello, Your blog at </> has been reviewed and confirmed as in violation of our Terms of Service for: SPAM. In accordance to these terms, we’ve removed the blog and the URL is no longer accessible. For more information, please review the following resources: Terms of Service: Blogger Content Policy: -The Blogger Team
I found the blogger help forum where many people request help for problems with the platform, and also many where asking to recover their disabled blog, following some of those threads I found out that the reasons are mainly that your blog may not be following the Blogger Guidelines, which as a more schematic guide that I found on the forums are:
- Affiliate marketing (Please, don’t confuse this with “affiliate networking”!).
- Automated traffic redirection, to another Blogger blog, or to non Google hosted content.
- Commercially funded adult content.
- Content created with scripts and programs, rather than by hand.
- Content or links which reference account hacking / password distribution / password sharing.
- Content or links which reference code deconstruction / reverse engineering, to bypass normal use of proprietary software.
- Content or links which reference referral-based activities such as GPT (“Get Paid To”), MLM (“Multi-Level Marketing”), MMF (“Make Money Fast”), MMH (“Make Money from Home”), PTC (“Pay To Click”), or PTS (“Pay To Surf”).
- Content scraped from other blogs / websites.
- Copyright Infringement.
- Large blogs with multiple, unfocused / unrelated subjects.
- Links to Illegal Downloads / Streaming / Torrents.
- Monetizing of adult content, aka porn spam.
If your blog has been disabled you should follow the next steps, which are the steps that I followed to get my blog restored:
- Identify the possible infringement/s of your blog but as you aren’t able to access it and correct it check your other blogs, if you have any, and correct them, so they also behave as the guidelines suggest. Also if your deleted blog and any of the other blogs has repeated content, even it may be created by you, should only be available in one of the blogs, then delete all repeated content if you want to restore your blog, even delete blogs that you don’t use or have repeated content. This is not mandatory but is a way to convince that you are serious in your desire to correct your behavior following now strictly the guidelines, remember to mention it when you ask for help.
- After all your blogger data is ready to get reviewed, submit the review request on blogger.
- If after a few days, at least 4 days, your blog is still disabled, go to the blogger help forums, in the Something is broken section, where you can ask for help. You need to Post a new question requesting assistance, to jump over a small step you should include a screenshot of your my blogs section at Blogger, where it shows the blog that you want restored, so the people at the forum can confirm what was the reason of your blog disabling, as I saw that this step was always required I already posted the screenshots on my question. In your question you should include your blog’s URL, the date you received notice of your blog disabling and the date you filed your initial review request. If you need some inspiration in writing your request here you can read mine and see how it was resolved.
- If nothing has changed when you post your question, +Nitecruzr will respond your request, asking for your own review on what may be the problem with your blog, according to the blogger guidelines, and accepting in the most sincere way where you may have infringed the Blogger guidelines. If all seems ok your request will be forwarded to Blogger Support where they will do a final evaluation which can not be appealed.
After all these inconveniences our blog is online and working ok now, our thoughts are a little wary of what really happened with the spamming process and why it triggered right now. Our blog has only a good visited post which by chance is critic to a product, our comparison between the Edge 500 and the new Edge 520, that criticisms a new product that really does not offer any good improvement over an old product of the same company.
There are many people online that think that blogger disabling blogs may be caused for abuse of the Flag Blog button, but as Blogger claims that just brings the blog to the attention of a human that reviews the content. Maybe that “human” thought that our blog contained too many links and product promotions, but as you can see most of our product posts have a critic side. All this happens because we can’t afford a personalized host yet, until we can reach a small amount, if you want to help us you can buy at amazon through our links and contact page.
Thanks for reading!