Summer of sports: something is moving on the sports department at amazon, should I get the Camelbak Octane?
I’m tracking many items at the amazon sites, and today there are many items getting lowering prices on the sports department in all of the amazon locales, mostly uk, probably due to their summer sport campaign. More than 100 have dropped price lower than my best track price.
Remember that if you are from europe you will get a free delivery for amazon items if you spend at least 25 pounds, here you can check for your country, maybe not the best time due to the exchange pound-euro is high, but if the offer is good enough is always a good time. I reckon that you should always check for a free delivery buying online, it gets you the oportunity to buy in small amounts, as you tend to group as many items as possible to minimize the delivery expenses for item. So,’s free delivery is your best bet here.
I am searching for some equipment for my mountain bike routes, I want a new helmet and a Camelbak hydration pack, with a waist strap or the other option is a good backpack and a Camelbak reservoir, as it seems those are the best. I have yet to decide on the helment, the ones I like I found them a little expensive, but for good security it pays. For the hydration pack I found those a little expensive too, but in other sites those are even more expensive and if you add it the delivery cost it raises too much. I love the Camelbak Octane, what you think?
Here you can check some interesting items that got my attention due to their price drop, but yet has to decide what to buy because of the great number of items:
Woww! So many items to check, when I get any of them I post a review, there are many on the way, but the lack of time as always….sorry guys